Have you ever ponder why you always dependant on fast junk
food? It is because you are always on rush or maybe you do not have enough time
for conventional cooking. Probably, you are not much interested to think about
feeding you stomach with healthy foods. A general trend in feeding your stomach
with whatever your hand grabs is a major factor behind Obesity. It is spreading
in your nation like an epidemic. Obese people are at higher risk for heart
Why experts discourage unhealthy
“Ignorance is the
mother of all evils”.
It is a high time that you should be aware of “Why unhealthy foods are
discouraged by health experts”. What happens when you eat fast junk food? Here
it goes, when you eat hamburger or any burger with soda. The low quality oil clogs
the pores of your blood cells and hinders them from taking energy from the food
you eat. The extra cheese you add in your burger creates a layer of fat in your
heart arteries. At higher quantities, it can block them.
Soda you drink along with your fast food is high in sugar. It
modifies your neural functioning. One of the reasons why soda is discouraged
for children is that it is a major cause of ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyper-Activity Disorder). You feel good after drinking it because it increases
your blood sugar level against natural/normal functioning.
The red meat you eat in your burger is deep-fried. Why is it
unhealthy? It is because it puts stress on your stomach. Drinking soda over
burger does not help you digest it instead, the chemicals in it burns not only
the food but your stomach as well. This is a horrible picture of how you are
treating your body.
What is the way out?
Treating your body gently with care is the way out. Detoxify
your body with Shakeology-3 day cleanse or Beachbody Ultimate Reset. The best
thing about both choices is that it is all natural. If you are taking any
medication, or involved in any workout, complete it first and then switch over
to body cleanse.
How to treat your body
after cleanse/ detox?
Healthy eating is not a matter of few days it is a lifestyle.
Keep it in your mind that healthy eating is not that something “IMPOSSIBLE”.
The word itself says that “I M POSSIBLE”. These are few suggestions for you:
- Take a proper breakfast: Granola, fruit salad, oatmeal and wheat cereals with low fat milk.
- Take proper meals at lunch and dinner: A handful piece of chicken with vegetable salad.
- Take ActiVit Multivitamins to stay vitalized the whole day. These supplements are free of steroids and are perfect to fulfill your body’s need. These multivitamins will improve your bone density, stimulate your immune system, and regulate calcium and blood sugar level. In addition, they contribute to longevity as it contains antioxidants and enhance physical and mental clarity.
It is advised not to take any Beachbody supplements during
pregnancy, medication and for children. Consult your physician before use.
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